Alumni Success Story - Omer Wasif, PharmD Graduate of 2023


The Pharmacy Outreach, Liaison and Regulatory Affairs Office at Salim Habib University is proud to announce that Muhammad Omer Wasif, a Doctor of Pharmacy graduate of the Class of 2023, has secured a placement as a Quality Assurance Associate at Minerva Research Solutions LLC.

This is what Omer has to say about his journey from campus to corporate life:

"It is with great pleasure and gratitude that I announce my employment at Minerva Research Solutions. This accomplishment stands as a testament to the relentless efforts I poured into my studies throughout my time at Salim Habib University. Over the course of five pivotal years, I navigated numerous challenges and sacrifices, leveraging the knowledge and guidance imparted by my esteemed professors and mentors. Their unwavering support and teachings have been instrumental in shaping my professional trajectory, culminating in this remarkable opportunity. I am profoundly thankful for the invaluable lessons and encouragement I received."

We are proud of you, Omer!