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Prof. Dr. Syed Irfan Hyder

Acting Dean
Faculty of Management Sciences

Dean's Message

The Faculty of Management Sciences aims to achieve its objectives in line with the vision to become a reputable university in business management education in Pakistan and build our strengths in teaching, learning and research. Our curricula do not only allow the students the opportunity to experience and develop an understanding of the latest tools and techniques, but also expose them to applied learning through experiential learning opportunities, field visits, and workshops from the very beginning of the program. Our training aims to nurture innovative young minds through offering a broad-based curriculum that provides students exposure both within their discipline and soft skills. Our approach in the development of curricula has therefore been to be creative and entrepreneurial towards introducing new ideas aimed towards the personal and intellectual development of our students. Professional learning, in terms of refining our strong associations with industry, commerce and professions in order for students to become responsible citizens and well-equipped to enter the knowledge-based workplace and society.

After the experience of the lingering pandemic, learning is taking many forms, and information will be available in many formats. By helping our students today discover how they can leverage the universities’ wide-ranging resources for lifelong learning, we will position them better for effective roles, as we continue to maximise through digital technology in the delivery of our programmes and expand our reach to attract students and faculty from all parts of the country and abroad.

I welcome you to the Faculty of Management Sciences at Salim Habib University (SHU).

Prof. Dr. Syed Irfan Hyder
Acting Dean
Faculty of Management Sciences

Introduction to the Department

The Department of Business Administration is a hub of academic excellence, innovation, and professional development, dedicated to shaping the next generation of business leaders and entrepreneurs. Our esteemed faculty, comprising renowned scholars and industry experts, delivers cutting-edge education that integrates theoretical foundations with practical applications. Our comprehensive programs, spanning undergraduate and graduate levels, cater to diverse career aspirations and interests, including Business Analytics, Finance, Marketing, Human Resource Management, and more. Graduates of our department emerge as forward-thinking professionals, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to excel in an increasingly complex and dynamic global business landscape. We foster a culture of collaboration, innovation, and lifelong learning, preparing our students to make a meaningful impact in the business world and beyond.


To aspire academic excellence with global competitiveness by transformational and innovative business thinking.


We are poised to become the hub for excellence in shaping business education through globally competitive curricula and pedagogical innovation, strategic academia-industry alliances and applied research, intellectual broadening and critical thinking.

Program Introduction

Welcome to the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program, a comprehensive and dynamic undergraduate degree that prepares students for success in the fast-paced and ever-changing world of business. Our program is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in business principles, theories, and practices, as well as the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in a variety of professional settings.

Through a combination of core courses, electives, and experiential learning opportunities, BBA students will gain a deep understanding of business concepts, including finance, marketing, management, accounting, and more. Our expert faculty, state-of-the-art resources, and strong industry connections will help students develop the skills and expertise needed to excel in their chosen career path.

Whether your goal is to start your own business, pursue a career in a multinational corporation, or simply gain a deeper understanding of the business world, our BBA program will provide you with the tools and knowledge necessary to achieve your goals.

Program Objectives

  • To develop in students a strong foundation of knowledge in all major areas of business.
  • To enhance their ability to understand, appreciate, think, and act strategically in the rapidly changing environment of the business world.
  • To elevate students’ communication skills, quantitative reasoning, and business analysis competencies.
  • To acquaint students with knowledge and experience of business dynamics and functionalities, practices, and processes.
  • To develop an in-depth understanding of the role of economics in the global marketplace as well as an awareness of local and global business issues.

Career Prospects

  • Management Trainee
  • Business Analyst
  • Marketing Executive
  • Financial Analyst
  • Human Resource Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Entrepreneur/Startup Founder
  • Management Consultant
  • Investment Banker
  • Supply Chain Manager

Internship Opportunities

  • Banking Industry
  • Tourism and Hospitality Sector
  • Food and Beverage Companies
  • Technology Firms
  • Marketing Firms
  • Financial Firms
  • Airline Industry

Scheme of Study (Semester wise)

  • Duration: 4 Years
  • Semesters: 8
  • Credit Hours: 136

1st Year
Semester - Ⅰ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSC106 Introduction to Computer Applications 2+1
ENG101 Functional English 2+1
ACC101 Introduction to Accounting 2+1
MGT101 Principles of Management and Leadership 3+0
HUM101 Foundation of Human Behavior 3+0
Total Credit Hours 15
Semester - ⅠⅠ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ECO102 Microeconomics 3+0
MTH107 Business Mathematics 3+0
MKT101 Principles of Marketing 3+0
ACC106 Financial Accounting and Corporate Reporting 2+1
IST102 Islam and World Religions 2+0
PDV103 Personal Development and Career Planning 0+2
Total Credit Hours 16
Summer Semester
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
IIP101 Industry Immersion Project - I (Community Service) 0+0
Total Credit Hours 0
2nd Year
Semester - ⅠⅠⅠ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENG105 Presentation and Communication Skills 3+0
MGT201 Organizational Behavior and Leadership 3+0
FIN206 Introduction to Finance 3+0
PHI101 Philosophy, Logic, and Critical Thinking 3+0
MTH104 Introduction to Business Analytics 3+0
PST101 Pakistan Studies 2+0
Total Credit Hours 17
Semester - ⅠⅤ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
MKT201 Consumer Behavior 3+0
MGT205 Human Resource Management 3+0
FIN204 Financial Management 3+0
MTH210 Calculus with Applications 3+0
ECO203 Macroeconomics 3+0
PDV203 Arts and Literature 0+2
Total Credit Hours 17
Summer Semester
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
IIP101 Industry Immersion Project - II (Corporate) 0+0
Total Credit Hours 0
3rd Year
Semester - Ⅴ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENG306 Applied Business Communication 3+0
MTH304 Business Analytics (Modelling & Forecasting) 3+0
ECO301 Financial Institutions and Markets 3+0
LAW202 Legal Environment for Business in Pakistan 3+0
ACC306 Accounting for Management Decisions 3+0
FIN202 Securities Trading & Applied Economics 0+2
Total Credit Hours 17
Semester - ⅤⅠ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
MGT305 Business Research Methods 3+0
MGT301 Operations and Project Management 3+0
XXXxxx* Business Majors Elective I 3+0
XXXxxx* Pakistan Economy 3+0
XXXxxx* Natural Science/Social Science/Humanities Elective-I 3+0
MGT304 Foreign Language 3+0
Total Credit Hours 18
Summer Semester
Total Credit Hours 0
4th Year
Semester - ⅤⅠⅠ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
MGT401 Entrepreneurship 3+0
MKT401 Marketing Research 3+0
MGT404 Business Simulations 3+0
XXXxxx* ELP - 1 3+0
XXXxxx* Business Majors Elective-II 3+0
XXXxxx* Business Minors Elective-I 3+0
Total Credit Hours 18
Semester - ⅤⅠⅠⅠ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
MGT405 Business Strategy 3+0
HUM401 Business Ethics 3+0
XXXxxx* Business Majors Elective-III 3+0
XXXxxx* Business Majors Elective-IV 3+0
XXXxxx* Business Minors Elective-II 3+0
XXXxxx* ELP - 2 3+0
Total Credit Hours 18

Program Introduction

Degree Offered Entry Requirements Required Percentage
(Duration 2 Years) (For Non-Business Graduates)
(Duration 1.5 Years) (For Business Graduates)
4 years Bachelor’s Degree or 16 years of education 50% or 2.0 CGPA
BBA leading to MBA (Duration 2 + 1.5 Years) 2 years Bachelor’s degree or 14 years of education 50% or 2.0 CGPA

Internship Opportunities

  • FMCG
  • Banks
  • Brokerage Companies
  • Asset Management Companies
  • Multinationals
  • Advertising Agencies
  • Market Research Firms
  • Media Houses
  • Health and Pharma Companies
  • NGOs
  • Public Sector Enterprises
  • Startups

Career Prospects

The Salim Habib University MBA Program is aimed at being more than a resume enhancement or a means to an end. It is aimed as an experience that will shape the entire career of the students, and prepare them to navigate the economic, social, and other complex changes of the future. The scope of opportunities available for MBA graduates goes beyond the needs of the business enterprises to cover governmental agencies, and non-governmental welfare enterprises which are increasingly becoming cognizant of the enhanced efficacy that a business professional brings to an organization. The following are a few of the areas that define scope of the MBA Program.

  • Entrepreneurial Management
  • Product/Brand Marketing
  • Sales Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Market Analytics/Data Science
  • Advertising
  • Media Management
  • Marketing Research
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Business Development
  • Human Resource Management
  • Operations/Production Management
  • Regulatory Affairs Management
  • Real Estate Management
  • Project Management
  • Strategy Consulting
  • Computer and Information Systems Management
  • Technology Management
  • Investment Banking
  • Risk Management
  • Sales, Trading, and Brokerage
  • Private Equity
  • Insurance, Pension Funds
  • Health Care Management
  • Pharmaceutical Management
  • Governmental Service Management

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Semester-wise Study Plan MBA-1.5 Years (30 CH)*
Semester - I
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-req
FIN501 Strategic Finance and Investment 3+0  
MTH501 Business Analytics (Modeling & Forecasting) 3+0  
MKT511 Strategic Marketing 3+0  
MGT516 Research Methods for Business Managers 3+0  
Total Credit Hours 12  
Semester - II
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-req
MGT515 Strategic Management 3+0  
ELVXXXX Business Elective-I 3+0 MKT511 or FIN501
ELVXXXX Business Elective-II 3+0 MKT511 or FIN501
MBM701 Thesis-I/Industrial Project-I 3+0 MGT516
Total Credit Hours 12  
Semester - III
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-req
ELVXXX Business Elective-III 3+0 MKT511 or FIN501
XXXX Thesis-II/Industrial Project-II 3+0 MGT516, MBM701
Total Credit Hours 6  

# of Courses Semester Credit Hours
4 Semester 1 12
4 Semester 2 12
2 Semester 3 6
10 Total Credit Hours 30

Semester-wise Study Plan MBA-2 Years (60 CH)*
Semester - I
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-req
ACC401 Financial Accounting and Corporate Reporting 3+0  
MTH401 Introduction to Business Analytics 3+0  
MGT403 Business Management and Leadership 3+0  
ENG405 Applied Business Communication 3+0  
MKT402 Marketing (Theory & Application) 3+0  
Total Credit Hours 15  
Semester - II
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-req
MGT303 Organizational Behavior & HR Practices 3+0 MGT403
LAW301 Legal Environment for Business in Pakistan 3+0  
FIN301 Finance for Business Managers 3+0 ACC401
ACC305 Accounting for Management Decisions 3+0 ACC401
MGT517 Methods for Business Research 3+0 MTH401
Total Credit Hours 15  
Semester - III
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-req
ECO302 Business Economics 3+0  
FIN501 Strategic Finance and Investment 3+0 FIN301
MTH501 Business Analytics (Modeling & Forecasting) 3+0 MTH401
XXXX Business Elective–I 3+0 MGT403 or MKT402
MBM701 Thesis-I/Industrial Project-I 3+0 MGT517
Total Credit Hours 15  
Semester - IV
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-req
MKT511 Strategic Marketing 3+0 MKT402
MGT515 Strategic Management 3+0 MKT403
XXXX Business Elective-II 3+0 MGT403 or MKT402
XXXX Business Elective-III 3+0 MGT403 or MKT402
MBM702 Thesis-II/Industrial Project-II 3+0 MGT517, MBM701
Total Credit Hours 15  

# of Courses Semester Credit Hours
5 Semester 1 15
5 Semester 2 15
5 Semester 3 15
5 Semester 4 15
20 Total credit Hours 60

Bachelor of Business Administration
Two-Year Weekend Program
Semester-wise Study Plan (75 CH)*
Semester - I
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-req
ACC401 Financial Accounting and Corporate Reporting 3+0  
MTH401 Introduction to Business Analytics 3+0  
MGT403 Business Management and Leadership 3+0  
ENG405 Applied Business Communication 3+0  
MKT402 Marketing (Theory & Application) 3+0  
Total Credit Hours 15  
Semester - II
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-req
MGT303 Organizational Behavior & HR Practices 3+0 MGT403
LAW301 Legal Environment for Business in Pakistan 3+0  
FIN301 Finance for Business Managers 3+0 ACC401
ACC305 Accounting for Management Decisions 3+0 ACC401
ECO302 Business Economics 3+0  
Total Credit Hours 15  
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-req
IIP401 Industry Immersion Project (Mandatory Supervised Internship) 3+0  
PST401 Pakistan Studies 3+0  
PDV403 Arts & Literature 3+0  
Total Credit Hours 9  
Semester - III
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-req
MGT503 Application of Quantitative Techniques in Research 3+0 MTH401
ENG406 Presentation & Communication Skills 3+0 ENG405
SCM402 Supply Chain Management 3+0 MGT403
PHI401 Philosophy, Logic & Critical Thinking 3+0  
MIT410 Introduction to MIS & ERP 3+0  
Total Credit Hours 15  
Semester - IV
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-req
MGT513 Entrepreneurship 3+0 FIN301, MGT303, ECO406
ENG407 Communication Skills for Negotiations 3+0 ENG406
MKT512 Marketing Research 3+0 MKT402, MGT503
MGT515 Strategic Management 3+0 MKT402, MGT503, MGT303, LAW301, FIN301, ACC301
MGT514 Business Ethics 3+0 PHI401, MGT303
Total Credit Hours 15  
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-req
IST401 Islam & World Religions 3+0 ACC305
FIN402 Securities Trading & Applied Economics 3+0 FIN301
Total Credit Hours 6  

# of Courses Semester Credit Hours
5 Semester 1 15
5 Semester 2 15
3 Summer 9
5 Semester 3 15
5 Semester 4 15
2 Summmer 6
25 Total Credit Hours 75

Program Introduction

Welcome to the Bachelor of Science in Business Analytics program. This innovative four-year degree is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in today's data-driven business world – and beyond.

Business analytics is the process of using data and analytical techniques to drive business decision-making. It involves using tools and methods from statistics, computer science, and business to analyze complex data sets and gain insights that can inform business strategy.

Our BS Business Analytics program provides students the opportunity for hands-on learning experiences while emphasizing the need for good communication and negotiation skills in a commercial context, as well as the ethical and social aspects associated with data analysis and decision-making.

Through a combination of coursework, case studies, hands-on projects, and freelance training, students will gain the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in a variety of roles - from business analyst to data scientist to freelance consultant. Our expert faculty will guide students through a curriculum that is both rigorous and relevant, ensuring that graduates are prepared to make an impact in the business world and beyond.

Join us in the BS Business Analytics program and discover the power of data-driven decision-making.

Program Objectives

  • Leverage advanced technology and software solutions to enhance business intelligence capabilities.
  • Develop and implement sophisticated analytics models and simulations for effective decision-making.
  • Employ creative teaching practices and methodologies to foster academic and professional growth in students.

 On successful completion of the program, students will be able to:

  • Use information technology to support business processes.
  • Utilize data analysis software and techniques.
  • Apply various quantitative data analysis techniques.
  • Employ a range of qualitative data analysis techniques.
  • Extract pertinent information from large data sets.
  • Develop appropriate and ethical solutions to business problems.
  • Communicate effectively in oral, written and digital forms.
  • Collaborate effectively in diverse team settings to achieve common goals in various contexts.

Career Prospects

  • Business Analyst
  • Data Analyst
  • Marketing Analyst
  • Financial Analyst
  • Management Consultant
  • Innovation Consultant
  • Asset Investment Analyst

Internship Opportunities

  • Insurance Companies
  • Food and Beverage Companies
  • Technology Firms
  • Marketing Firms
  • Financial Firms
  • Trading Firms

Scheme of Study (Semester wise)

  • Duration: 4 Years
  • Semesters: 8
  • Credit Hours: 136

1st Year
Semester - Ⅰ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSC106 Introduction to Computer Applications 2+1
ENG101 Functional English 2+1
ACC101 Introduction to Accounting 2+1
MGT101 Principles of Management and Leadership 3+0
HUM101 Foundation of Human Behavior 3+0
Total Credit Hours 15
Semester - ⅠⅠ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ECO102 Microeconomics 3+0
MTH107 Business Mathematics 3+0
MKT101 Principles of Marketing 3+0
ACC106 Financial Accounting and Corporate Reporting 2+1
IST102 Islam and World Religions 2+0
PDV103 Personal Development and Career Planning 0+2
Total Credit Hours 16
Summer Semester
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
IIP100 Industry Immersion Project - I (Community Service) 0+0
Total Credit Hours 0
2nd Year
Semester - ⅠⅠⅠ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENG105 Presentation and Communication Skills 3+0
FIN206 Introduction to Finance 3+0
PHI101 Philosophy, Logic, and Critical Thinking 3+0
MTH104 Introduction to Business Analytics 2+1
BAN201 Computer Programming - I 2+1
MTH203 Calculus with Applications 3+0
Total Credit Hours 18
Semester - ⅠⅤ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
PST101 Pakistan Studies 2+0
BAN202 Computer Programming - II 2+1
FIN204 Financial Management 3+0
BAN203 Data Structures 2+1
ECO203 Macroeconomics 3+0
PDV203 Arts and Literature 0+2
Total Credit Hours 16
Summer Semester
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
IIPxxx* Industry Immersion Project - II (Corporate) 0+3
Credit Hours 0
3rd Year
Semester - Ⅴ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENG306 Applied Business Communication 3+0
MTH304 Business Analytics (Modelling & Forecasting) 3+0
ECO301 Financial Institutions and Markets 3+0
LAW202 Legal Environment for Business in Pakistan 3+0
BAN301 Basic Econometrics 3+0
XXXxxx* Natural Science Elective 2+1
Total Credit Hours 17
Semester - ⅤⅠ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
MGT305 Business Research Methods 3+0
XXXxxx* Majors Elective-I 3+0
BAN302 Database Systems 3+0
BAN303 Machine Learning for Business Analytics 3+0
BAN304 Business Data and Text Mining 3+0
PDV305 Business Intelligence 3+0
Total Credit Hours 18
Summer Semester
Credit Hours 0
Year 4
Semester - ⅤⅠⅠ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
MGT401 Entrepreneurship 3+0
MGT404 Business Simulations 3+0
MGT407 ELP – I/Capstone - I 3+0
BAN401 Decision Science for Business 3+0
XXXxxx* Majors Elective-II 3+0
XXXxxx* Minors Elective-I 3+0
Total Credit Hours 18
Semester - ⅤⅠⅠⅠ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
MGT405 Strategic Management 3+0
BAN402 Predictive Analytics 3+0
XXXxxx* Majors Elective-III 3+0
XXXxxx* Majors Elective-IV 3+0
XXXxxx* Minors Elective-II 3+0
MGT408 ELP - II/ Capstone - II 3+0
Total Credit Hours 18

Program Introduction

The supply chain is a complex system that involves business strategists predicting consumer demand and making goods accessible to producers, manufacturers, and consumers. Supply chain management coordinates businesses and suppliers in transferring goods to the right locations, with technology driving procedures and tactics to provide a competitive edge.

Our BS Supply Chain Management program equips students with the knowledge and skills to efficiently manage the complex systems of people, resources, and information involved in delivering products and services. This program focuses on optimizing delivery processes while minimizing costs, preparing graduates to excel in roles within large companies, smaller organizations, and start-ups.

Students will gain expertise in areas such as logistics, warehousing, inventory management, risk management, project management, procurement, transportation, and distribution. The curriculum includes foundational business courses in accounting, finance, marketing, MIS, and management, with a specialized focus on supply chain management. Key topics covered include sustainable logistics, procurement for a strategic advantage, enterprise systems, supplier relations, demand planning, inventory management, lean and six sigma. Through experiential learning, students will develop interpersonal communication, teamwork, and diversity management skills.

The program also offers elective courses in cross-cultural management, exporting, international sourcing, business intelligence, and negotiations. A required internship and a capstone project provide practical, field-based experience, ensuring graduates are well-prepared to enter the workforce in various supply chain positions across industries such as manufacturing, distribution, transportation, and retailing.

Program Objectives

 The objectives of our BS Supply Chain Management program are to ensure that by the time students graduate, they are able to:

  • Understand the nature of projects, their constraints, and supply requirements
  • Understand supply chain contracts and their obligations
  • Understand the management components of logistics and supply chains
  • Understand the tools and techniques used in implementing project supply chain management
  • Utilize tools and techniques for the analysis of strategic, tactical, and operational decisions including facility location, vehicle routing/transportation and inventory management
  • Add value at each step in both service and manufacturing-oriented projects and their supply chains

Entry Requirements

 The applicant should:

  • Have 45% marks in HSC or equivalent marks in A-levels, or other qualifications
  • Qualify the Aptitude Test and Interview

Career Prospects

  • Business development manager
  • Demand and inventory planner
  • Logistics analyst
  • Logistics manager
  • Operations controller
  • Procurement specialist
  • Production manager
  • Supply and logistics coordinator
  • Warehouse and distribution manager
  • Entrepreneurial venture
  • Supply chain consultancy
  • Benefit from CPEC jobs

Internship Opportunities

 Students can get opportunities as a supply chain intern in various sectors including:

  • Manufacturing
  • FMCG
  • Retail
  • Oil, gas and energy
  • Healthcare
  • IT
  • Parcel services
  • E-commerce
  • Logistics and transportation
  • Import and export
  • Consultation
  • Government institutions
  • Humanitarian projects
  • Others

Scheme of Study (Semester wise)

  • Duration: 4 Years
  • Semesters: 8
  • Credit Hours: 142

1st Year
Semester - Ⅰ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSC106 Introduction to Computer Applications 2+1
ENG101 Functional English 2+1
ACC101 Introduction to Accounting 2+1
MGT101 Principles of Management and Leadership 3+0
HUM101 Foundation of Human Behavior 3+0
Total Credit Hours 15
Semester - ⅠⅠ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ECO102 Microeconomics 3+0
MTH107 Business Mathematics 3+0
MKT101 Principles of Marketing 3+0
ACC106 Financial Accounting and Corporate Reporting 2+1
IST102 Islam and World Religions 2+0
PDV103 Personal Development and Career Planning 0+2
Total Credit Hours 16
Summer Semester
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
IIP100 Industry Immersion Project - I (Community Service) 0+2
Total Credit Hours 2
2nd Year
Semester - ⅠⅠⅠ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENG105 Presentation and Communication Skills 3+0
FIN206 Introduction to Finance 3+0
PHI101 Philosophy, Logic, and Critical Thinking 3+0
MTH104 Introduction to Business Analytics 3+0
PST101 Pakistan Studies 2+0
SCM201 Introduction to Supply Chain Management 3+0
Total Credit Hours 17
Semester - ⅠⅤ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
SCM202 Introduction to Procurement Management 3+0
SCM203 Introduction to Transportation and Warehouse Management 3+0
FIN204 Financial Management 3+0
MTH210 Calculus with Applications 3+0
ECO203 Macroeconomics 3+0
PDV203 Arts and Literature 0+2
Total Credit Hours 17
Summer Semester
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
IIPxxx* Industry Immersion Project - II (Corporate) 0+3
Credit Hours 3
3rd Year
Semester - Ⅴ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENG306 Applied Business Communication 3+0
MTH304 Business Analytics (Modeling & Forecasting) 3+0
FIN302 Financial Institutions and Markets 3+0
LAW202 Legal Environment for Business in Pakistan 3+0
SCM301 Basic Econometrics 3+0
XXXxxx* Natural Science Elective 2+1
Total Credit Hours 18
Semester - ⅤⅠ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
MGT305 Business Research Methods 3+0
XXXxxx* Majors Elective-I 3+0
SCM302 Supply Chain Analytics and Information Systems 3+0
SCM303 Innovations in SC Ecommerce 3+0
MGT301 Operations and Project Management 3+0
SCM304 Import and Export Management 3+0
Total Credit Hours 18
Year 4
Semester - ⅤⅠⅠ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
MGT401 Entrepreneurship 3+0
MGT404 Business Simulations 3+0
MGT407 ELP – I/Capstone - I 3+0
SCM409 Supply Network Planning and Design 3+0
XXXxxx* Majors Elective-II 3+0
XXXxxx* Minors Elective-I 3+0
Total Credit Hours 18
Semester - ⅤⅠⅠⅠ
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
MGT406 Business Strategy 3+0
SCM410 Quality Management and Lean Thinking 3+0
XXXxxx* Majors Elective-III 3+0
XXXxxx* Majors Elective-IV 3+0
XXXxxx* Minors Elective-II 3+0
MGT408 ELP - II/ Capstone - II 3+0
Total Credit Hours 18
Dr. Hafiz Mushtaq Ahmad


Dr. Lakhi Muhammad


Dr. Shamaila Burney

Acting Head of BBA Program & Associate Professor

Dr. Hassaan Ahmed

Head of MBA Program & Associate Professor

Mr. Sheeraz Yar Khan

Assistant Professor

Mr. Rizwan Akram


Mr. Muhammad Fahad Anwar


Ms. Priyanka Bajaj​


Ms. Sana Bint-E-Javaid
