Dr. Hassaan Ahmed


Head of MBA Program & Associate Professor




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    Hassaan Ahmed, an Assistant Professor, holds an MBA degree from Anglia Ruskin University, England and is currently pursuing Ph. D. in the area of Omni-channel Retailing. Mr. Ahmed has interest in event management and has organized various conferences to help bridge the gap between academia and corporate world. He is also renowned for his problem-solving skills working as program managers.

    Conference Participations/ Presentations:

    • Role of Organizational Structure in Creating Organizational Citizenship Behavior – Paper Presented in 2nd International Conference on, “Business and Management Perspectives in the Asian Context” at University of Lahore

    Research Interest

    His area of interests are:

    Omni-channel retailing and
    Customer experience with focus on Fashion and luxury brands category

    Selected Publications

    Abasi, M. Azlan, A, and Ahmed, H (2020). Influence of Pester Power on Parents Buying Decision: A focus of FMCG Products in Pakistan, International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 12, No.2

    Riaz, H. Ahmed, H, and Akhtar, S (2019). The Role of Social Media Marketing on building brand equity (An insight of Fast food industry of Pakistan), International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, Vol-4, Issue 2 March – April

    Email Dr. Hassaan Ahmed

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