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Faculty of Management Sciences
- Saqib, N. (2022). The link between economic growth and sustainable energy in G7-countries and E7-countries: Evidence from a dynamic panel threshold model. Available at SSRN 4231554.
- Kamal, M., Raiq, S., Shamim, M. A., & Mujahid, H. (2022). A case of smoking habits among university students in Karachi city: prevalence and associated factors. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 19(2), 1039-1051.
- Burney, S., Iqbal, S., Riaz, K., & Hussainy, S. K. (2022). Covid-19 Pandemic: Analysis of E-learning Experience of University Students in Pakistan. KASBIT Business Journal, 15(3), 49-59.
- Azhar, K. A. A. K. A., Ahmed, H. A. D. H., & Burney, S. B. D. S. (2022). Effect of Social Media Influencer Characteristics on PurchaseIntentions–Evidence from Pakistan. Psocialsciences, 2(2), 299-316.
- Burney, S., & Burney, S. A. (2021). A Study to assess patient satisfaction in emergency department of a tertiary care hospital in Karachi. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 60(2), 25-37.
- Burney, S. A., Alam, F., & Burney, S. (2022). Cloud Computing Revisited For E-Learning Systems with Some Improvements with Auditing.
- Azhar, K. A., Iqbal, N., Shah, Z., & Ahmed, H. (2024). Understanding high dropout rates in MOOCs–a qualitative case study from Pakistan. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 61(4), 764-778.
- Iqbal, N., Ahmed, H., & Azhar, K. A. (2022). Exploring teachers’ attitudes towards using ChatGPT. Global Journal for Management and Administrative Sciences, 3(4), 97-111.
- Riaz, H., Davidaviciene, V., Ahmed, H., & Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I. (2022). Optimizing customer repurchase intention through cognitive and affective experience: an insight of food delivery applications. Sustainability, 14(19), 12936.
- Siraj, S. M. S., Freed, M., & Bint-e-Javaid, S. (2022). TECHNOLOGY TRENDS IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING AT TERTIARY LEVEL IN PAKISTAN. Pakistan Journal of Social Research, 4(03), 57-64.
- Halepoto, B., Fatima, S., & Bint-e-Javaid, S. (2022). A REVIEW OF COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES EMPLOYED BY ASIAN ENGLISH SPEAKERS. Pakistan Journal of Educational Research, 5(3).
- Bint-e-Javaid, S., & Anwar, Q. (2023). Effects of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) on ESL Reading Comprehension at a Private Sector University in Pakistan. Sindh Journal of Linguistics, 2(1), 1-12.