Department of Basic Medical Sciences


Department of Basic Medical Sciences

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    Basic Medical Sciences (BMS) serve as the foundation for teaching and practical training of undergraduate and graduate pharmacy education. The BMS department employs integrated teaching strategies that focus on both structural and functional lines, equipping PharmD students with a solid foundation in various basic medical sciences to support their lifelong clinical practice. Since the inception of Salim Habib University, the faculty of BMS have proven their commitment towards provision of high-quality education to students, aiming to train them as competent pharmacists and researchers for the future.

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      Our mission is to develop critical thinking skills and ethical research practices in our students thus preparing them to excel in clinical and research roles within the Pharmaceutical Chemistrys. By integrating research and real-world problem-solving, we prepare students to excel in areas such as drug discovery, clinical pharmacology, and personalized medicine, thus contributing to the overall mission of the Faculty of Pharmacy


      The vision of the BMS department at Salim Habib University is to be a leader in providing high-quality education that equips future pharmacists with the essential knowledge and skills to excel in their careers. Our goal is to contribute to this field through cutting-edge research to enhance the understanding of drug mechanisms and therapeutic interventions.
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