Congratulations to all the candidates who finally made it this far and on everyone’s behalf Barrett Hodgson University would like to welcome the Freshers of Spring 2020 to start this wonderful yet exhilarating academic journey towards education transformation.
The orientation was carried out beautifully by the Masters of Ceremony Mr. Kaukab and Ms. Noor Jamil, faculty of Management Sciences. The proceedings led to an honorable mention of Dr. M. S. Habib Chairperson and founder of TSHEF and BHU.
Students were introduced to the most vital and essential Program Departments with their respective Deans and faculty members. They were also briefed about the staff members and management departments who run the show behind the curtains.
Students were then taken to the Sports Complex for a Drone Shot with BHU Faculty members and staff. After that, along with their parents students enjoyed refreshments and interacted with each other, their teachers and explored the campus and their departments.