COP-in-my-City Sindh 2024


COP-in-my-City Sindh 2024, a youth-led initiative aimed at empowering climate youth leaders from across Pakistan, was held at Salim Habib University on September 27, 2024.

The event, organized by Youth4Climate Pakistan and supported by UNICEF, UN Women, and the COP 29 Presidency, offered a much-needed platform for engaging young minds on climate issues while encouraging action-oriented dialogue and working towards fulfilling SDG Goal 13 (Taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts).

The Chief Guest for the event was Mr. Mansoor Ali Shahani, Special Assistant to Chief Minister Sindh.

COP-in-my-City Sindh 2024 brought together top climate youth leaders and various international climate experts, including Mr. Qaiser Nawab, Global Climate Youth Leader, UNFCCC, UNEP, UNESCO, UNDP, and Commonwealth Youth Delegate, Ms. Cindy Kushner from UNICEF Pakistan as Chief of WASH and Climate Change, Environment and DRR (CED), Mr. Khalil Ibrahim Ali Hasan from the UAE Consulate, Mr. Kapil Dev, Provincial Coordinator for UN Women, Mr. Tariq Mehmood Khattak, Attorney at Law, Sindh Bar Council, Mr. Waqar Hussain Phulpoto, Director Sindh Environmental Protection Agency, Mr. Yasir Husain, Director of Climate Action Centre (CAC Karachi), Mr. Ayhan Mustafa Bhutto, Director General, Directorate of Climate Change, ECC & CDD, Govt. of Sindh, and Dr. Muhammad Hussain Habib, Registrar, Salim Habib University.

University students and youth leaders from across a range of regions engaged in critical dialogue to develop innovative solutions to pressing environmental challenges, highlighting the urgency of addressing climate change and taking proactive steps toward a sustainable future. 

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