IEEE SHU Student Branch secured Humanitarian Grant

The IEEE SHU Student Branch has secured a $6,690 grant from the IEEE Humanitarian Technology Board (HTB) for their project titled 'SolarVitalize: Empowering Education & Well-being with Renewable Energy in Rural Areas.’ The project, led by Mr. M. Wasim Munir, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, and Principal Investigator (PI), and Engr. Tooba Khan, Lecturer, Biomedical Engineering, and co-PI, will be implemented with the valuable contributions of IEEE SHU Student Branch members Fakhra Jalal, Amna Javed, Usama Javed, and Umer Sheikh. This initiative, supported by the IEEE Karachi Section, IEEE SHU Student Branch, and Omair Sana Welfare Foundation, supports quality education and well-being, fostering a brighter future for rural communities.

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