Undergraduate Program

BS Computer Science

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The BS Computer Science program at Salim Habib University envisions producing globally competitive graduates with innovative leadership capabilities. By fostering critical and professional thinking through engagement in cutting-edge innovation and research activities, we aim to equip our students with the skills necessary to excel. Our mission is to provide quality education that balances conceptual knowledge and hands-on laboratory experience, enabling graduates to practice their profession with integrity and better serve society.

Why BS Computer Science from SHU

International standard cutting-edge curriculum

Our Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BS CS) program features curriculum that integrates the latest advancements in technology and research. Designed to meet global industry standards, our cutting-edge coursework equips students with the skills and knowledge required to excel in a rapidly evolving field.

Advanced Laboratories for Applied Research

Our program features state-of-the-art laboratories equipped with GPU-enabled systems and 3D cameras, specifically designed to support cutting-edge research and real-world applications. These high-tech facilities empower students to conduct hands-on experiments and develop innovative solutions in computer vision, IoT devices, and other advanced technological fields. By leveraging these sophisticated tools, students gain practical experience and address contemporary technological challenges with precision.

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Experiential and Project-Based Learning

We emphasize experiential and project-based learning methodologies to provide students with practical experience and problem-solving skills. This approach fosters critical thinking and innovation by involving students in real-world projects and collaborative research.

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Career-Oriented and Marketable Skills

The curriculum is tailored to cultivate career-focused competencies and entrepreneurial skills. Students acquire marketable expertise that prepares them for diverse professional opportunities and entrepreneurial ventures in the technology sector.

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International Exposure and Mobility

Students benefit from opportunities for national and international exposure through participation in seminar, competitions and exhibitions. These experiences enhance their global perspective, expand professional networks, and enrich their academic journey.

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Expert Faculty Guidance

Our highly experienced and well-qualified faculty members provide exceptional support and guidance throughout the program. Their expertise and industry experience play a crucial role in mentoring students and advancing their academic and professional growth.

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Industry Mentorship

Our program offers mentorship from industry professionals to support the development of entrepreneurial ideas. This guidance helps students refine their projects, navigate industry challenges, and transform innovative concepts into viable business solutions.

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About Program

The program objectives are to prepare graduates with deep knowledge and outstanding computational skills that make them able to:

  • Demonstrate a sound understanding of computing fundamentals with an ability to exercise critical judgment across a range of related issues.
  • Critically analyze and design solutions for complex computing problems with best practices and the use of modern tools and techniques.
  • Function and communicate effectively as an individual and as a leader/member of a team understanding professional ethics and social responsibility.
  • Adapt technological advancements through active participation in life-long learning to serve society.
  • Software Houses
  • Technology Incubators
  • E-Commerce Startups
  • Government Agencies
  • Financial Institutions/Banks
  • Multinational Corporations
  • Freelancing
  • Research
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Academia
  • Applications Analyst
  • Information Systems Manager
  • Software Tester & Quality Assurance
  • Game Developer
  • Systems Analyst & Developer
  • Forensic Computer Analyst
  • Software Development
  • Software Houses
  • Data Science
  • Cybersecurity
  • AI
  • SMEs
  • Minimum 50% marks in Intermediate/12 years schooling/A-Level (HSSC) or Equivalent with Mathematics is required for admission in all BS Computing Programs other than BS Computing Engineering.
  • An equivalency certificate by IBCC will be required in case of education from some other country or system.
  • Minimum 60% marks in Intermediate/12 years schooling/A-Level (HSSC) or Equivalent with Mathematics is required for admission to the BS Computer Science program.
  • The students who have not studied Mathematics at the intermediate level have to pass deficiency courses in Mathematics (06 credits) in the first two semesters.
  • The minimum duration for completion of BS Computing degrees is four years. The HEC allows a maximum period of seven years to complete BS degree requirements.
  • A minimum 2.0 CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) on a scale of 4.0 is required for the award of BS Computing Degree.

(For Pre-Engineering Students)

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSC105 Programming Fundamentals 3+1
CSC107 Application of Information & Communication Technologies 1+1
PHC103 Applied Physics 3+0
MTH103 Calculus and Analytic Geometry 3+0
ENG101 Functional English 2+1
Total Credit Hours 15
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSC103 Object Oriented Programming 3+1
CSC210 Discrete Structures 3+0
ELE205 Digital Logic Design 2+1
MTH111 Multivariable Calculus Prerequisites: CAG 3+0
MGT102 Introduction to Management 2+0
Total Credit Hours 15
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSC201 Data Structures and Algorithms Prerequisites: OOP 3+1
ENG106 Presentation & Communication Skills Prerequisites: FE 2+1
MTH208 Linear Algebra Prerequisites: CAG 3+0
IST102 Islam and World Religions 2+0
MKT101 Introduction to Marketing 3+0
MTH301 Statistics 3+0
Total Credit Hours 18
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSC203 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Prerequisites: DLD 2+1
CSC303 Theory of Automata 3+0
CSC304 Database Systems 3+1
CSC306 Design & Analysis of Algorithms Prerequisites: DSA 3+0
HUS208 Civics and Community Engagement 1+1
CSC205 Applied Human-Computer Interaction 3+0
Total Credit Hours 18
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSC301 Operating Systems 3+1
CSC407 Artificial Intelligence 3+1
CSC305 Computer Networks 3+1
XXXX Domain Elective (1) 3+0
CSC308 Computer Architecture Prerequisites: COAL 3+0
Total Credit Hours 18
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSC302 Software Engineering 3+0
MTK401 Entrepreneurship 2+0
XXXX Domain Elective (2) 3+0
CSC406 Compiler Construction Prerequisites: TA 3+0
XXXX Domain Elective (3) 3+0
XXXX Domain Elective (4) 3+0
Total Credit Hours 17
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSC401 Final Year Project – I 0+3
CSC416 Advance Database Management System Prerequisites: DBS 3+0
XXXX Domain Elective (5) 3+0
CSC404 Information Security 3+0
ENG201 Technical & Business Writing Prerequisites: FE 3+0
ENG201 Parallel & Distributed Computing Prerequisites: OS 3+0
Total Credit Hours 18
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSC403 Final Year Project – II Prerequisites: FYP I 0+3
PST101 Pakistan Studies 2+0
CSC405 Professional Practices 3+0
XXXX Domain Elective (6) 3+0
XXXX Domain Elective (7) 3+0
Total Credit Hours 14
Total Program Credit Hours 133

(For Pre-Medical Students)

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSC105 Programming Fundamentals 3+1
CSC107 Application of Information & Communication Technologies 1+1
PHC104 Applied Physics 3+0
MTH110 Basic Maths – I* 0+0
ENG101 Functional English 2+1
Total Credit Hours 12
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSC103 Object Oriented Programming 3+1
CSC210 Discrete Structures 3+0
ELE205 Digital Logic Design 2+1
MTH120 Basic Maths – II* 0+0
MGT102 Introduction to Management 2+0
ENG106 Presentation & Communication Skills Prerequisites: FE 2+1
Total Credit Hours 15
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSC201 Data Structures and Algorithms Prerequisites: OOP 3+1
HUS208 Civics and Community Engagement 1+1
IST102 Islam and World Religions 2+0
MKT101 Islam and World Religions 2+0
MKT101 Introduction to Marketing 3+0
MTH301 Statistics 3+0
MTH103 Calculus and Analytic Geometry 3+0
Total Credit Hours 17
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSC203 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Prerequisites: DLD 2+1
CSC303 Theory of Automata 3+0
CSC304 Database Systems 3+1
CSC306 Design & Analysis of Algorithms Prerequisites: DS 3+0
CSC205 Applied Human-Computer Interaction 3+0
MTH111 Multivariable Calculus Prerequisites: CAG 3+0
Total Credit Hours 19
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSC301 Operating Systems 3+1
CSC407 Artificial Intelligence 3+1
MTK401 Entrepreneurship 2+0
XXXX Domain Elective (1) 3+0
CSC307 Computer Architecture Prerequisites: COAL 3+0
MTH208 Linear Algebra Prerequisites: CAG 3+0
Total Credit Hours 19
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSC302 Software Engineering 3+0
CSC305 Computer Networks 3+1
XXXX Domain Elective (2) 3+0
CSC406 Compiler Construction Prerequisites: TA 3+0
XXXX Domain Elective (3) 3+0
XXXX Domain Elective (4) 3+0
Total Credit Hours 19
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSC401 Final Year Project – I 0+3
CSC416 Advance Database Management System Prerequisites: DBS 3+0
XXXX Domain Elective (5) 3+0
CSC404 Information Security 3+0
ENG201 Technical & Business Writing Prerequisites: FE 3+0
ENG201 Parallel & Distributed Computing Prerequisites: OS 3+0
Total Credit Hours 18
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSC403 Final Year Project – II Prerequisites: FYP I 0+3
PST101 Pakistan Studies 2+0
CSC405 Professional Practices 3+0
XXXX Domain Elective (6) 3+0
XXXX Domain Elective (7) 3+0
Total Credit Hours 14
Total Program Credit Hours 133
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