Sholarships & Financial Assistance

This scholarship scheme will be based purely on merit. Details of scholarships that can be offered to students whose total Merit List score lies in the stated ranges are as follows:

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    For PharmD & BE (Biomedical Engineering) Programs

    Scholarships Overall Percentage in the SHU Merit List Scholarship Offers
    Dr. Salim Habib Scholarship 80% and above 100% of Tuition Fee
    Dr. Iram Afaq Scholarship 70% to 79% 50% of Tuition Fee

    Other Undergraduate Programs

    Scholarships Overall Percentage in the SHU Merit List Scholarship Offers
    Dr. Salim Habib Scholarship 80% and above 100% of Tuition Fee
    Dr. Iram Afaq Scholarship 60% to 79% 50% of Tuition Fee

    MBA Program

    Scholarships Scholarship Offers MBA
    New Students Existing Students
    SHU Merit Score CGPA (out 4)
    Dr. Salim Habib Scholarship 100% of Tuition Fee 90% and above 3.7 and above
    Dr. Iram Afaq Scholarship 50% of Tuition Fee 70% to 89% 3.3-3.69
    Discount for SHU Staff 50% Discount for whole Program For SHU Staff only -

    Scholarships for Existing Students

    Scholarships for the existing SHU students are based on their SGPA according to the following criteria:

    Scholarships SGPA Requirement Scholarship Offers
    Dr. Salim Habib Scholarship 3.8 and above 100% of Tuition Fee
    Dr. Iram Afaq Scholarship 3.5 – 3.79 50% of Tuition Fee
    – Less than 3.5 No Scholarship

    Sports Scholarships

    Unlock Your Athletic Potential

    At Salim Habib University, we empower student-athletes to excel in sports and academics.

    Scholarship Distribution:

    • District Level: 40%
    • Karachi Level: 50%
    • Provincial Level: 65%
    • Junior, Senior National Medalists, and International Level: 100%


    • Flexible academic arrangements
    • State-of-the-art sports facilities
    • Expert coaching and mentorship
    • Holistic development through sports, leadership, and education

    Composition of Merit List

    The breakdown of the weightage of each component of the eligibility criteria and admission requirements that add up to form the final Merit List score of each candidate is given below:

    For Undergraduate Programs:

    SSC/*O Levels 10%
    HSC-I/II or *A/As Level 20%
    Computer Based MCQs Test 50%
    Essay Writing 10%
    Interview 10%
    Total 100%

    *IBCC Equivalency required from O & A Levels candidate.

    For Undergraduate Programs:

    SHU Aptitude Test 50%
    Interview 30%
    Essay Writing 20%
    Total 100%

    Financial Assistance Scheme

    Salim Habib University’s financial assistance schemes encompass grants under:

    • Qarz-e-Hasna by Ihsan Trust
    • Fee instalments
    • HEC-mandated Need Based Financial Assistance options are also available (Terms & Conditions apply)

    Sibling Discount

    SHU offers a Sibling Discount of 25% of tuition fee for the siblings of existing students.

    The following are the terms and conditions of the Sibling Discount.

    • Discount on tuition fee of the newly enrolled sibling(s) of an existing student: 25% of tuition fee
    • A sibling already enrolled will not be eligible for the Sibling Discount.
    • All the siblings must be enrolled as fulltime students in the semester the discount is requested for.
    • The Sibling Discount is applicable to tuition fees only.
    • The Sibling Discount is not applicable on the Summer Semester fee.
    • The Sibling Discount will not be applied on any outstanding fee balance.
    • The sibling must provide documentary evidence of the relationship.
    • The Sibling Discount Form must be filled in by the student before the start of the semester and submitted to the Student Finance office, following which the Student Finance office will verify the application and forward it for approval to the Vice Chancellor.
    • The Sibling Discount is not applicable on stepbrothers or stepsisters.
    • Applicants must inform the University well in time regarding changes in any sibling’s enrolment.
    • If a sibling withdraws from a semester or from the University without completing their degree program, the discount may be reversed. (This means the recipient may be required to reimburse the University).
    • SHU reserves the rights to withdraw or change the Sibling Discount policy at any point of time.
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