2024 26th International Multi Topic Conference

INMIC 2024


December 30-31, 2024

Aim of Conference

The Faculty of Engineering at Salim Habib University is organizing the 2024 26th International Multi Topic Conference (INMIC). INMIC, a premier annual event in Pakistan, is being held this year in Karachi in collaboration with the IEEE Karachi Section.

INMIC serves as a prestigious platform where leading researchers and scientists present their latest research findings. It is a highly esteemed conference that plays a crucial role in showcasing scientific and technical breakthroughs. It offers a unique platform for fostering international connections and building professional relationships among experts from around the world. The success of INMIC 2024 is vital, as it promotes collaborations across different research areas, countries, and industries.


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INMIC Conference

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INMIC Project Competition

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INMIC Poster Competition


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INMIC Workshop 1

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INMIC Workshop 2

Thematic Areas

INMIC 2024 covers a range of topics related to emerging technologies in diverse evolving fields. The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to, the following tracks:

Track 1. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • Control Systems and Robotics
  • Microelectronics and VLSI Design
  • Power Systems and Automation
  • Renewable Energy Systems
  • Signal Processing and Communication
Track 2. Computer Science and Engineering
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Big Data and Data Analytics
  • Cybersecurity and Information Assurance
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Software Engineering and Systems
Track 3. Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering
  • Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
  • Biomechanics and Biomaterials
  • Medical Imaging and Instrumentation
  • Telemedicine and Healthcare Systems Engineering
  • Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Track 4. Materials Science and Engineering
  • Advanced Composite Materials
  • Materials for Energy Applications
  • Metallurgy and Corrosion
  • Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
  • Polymers and Plastics
Track 5. Interdisciplinary and Emerging Areas
  • Emerging Technologies and Innovation
  • Engineering Education and Pedagogy
  • Ethics and Social Responsibility in Engineering
  • Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0
  • Sustainable Engineering Practices

Important Dates

EventDateExtended Date
Call for PapersAugust 05, 2024 
Paper Submission DeadlineSeptember 30, 2024October 30, 2024
Poster & Project Submission DeadlineOctober 11, 2024December 10, 2024
Notification of Paper AcceptanceOctober 28, 2024November 25, 2024
Notification of Poster & Project AcceptanceNovember 01, 2024December 12, 2024
Workshop Registration : Maximum of 20 participants allowed per workshop.
1. HPC / CFD Hands-on Workshop on Cloud
2. Accelerating Deep Learning on HPC platforms
November 15, 2024November 25, 2024
Camera-Ready Article SubmissionNovember 15, 2024November 30, 2024
Participation Registration DeadlineNovember 29, 2024December 15, 2024
Conference DatesDecember 30-31, 2024 


All accepted and presented papers will be included in the proceedings published by the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.



Call for Papers

The paper submission period ended on October 30, 2024, at 11:59 pm (Pakistan Standard Time), and no further paper submissions will be accepted. However, registrations for Workshops, Projects, and Posters are still open, and all relevant deadlines are provided on the conference website or email us at inmic2024@shu.edu.pk.

Registration Fee

Non-IEEE MembersIEEE MembersIEEE Student MembersNon-IEEE MembersIEEE Members
AuthorRs. 15,000Rs. 12,000Rs. 10,000$150$100
General ParticipantRs. 6,000Rs. 4,000Rs. 2,000$100$50
Project CompetitionRs. 4,000Rs. 3,000Rs. 2,000$75$50
Poster CompetitionRs. 4,000Rs. 3,000Rs. 2,000$75$50
One Workshop RegistrationRs. 4,000Rs. 3,000Rs. 2,000$75$50
Two Workshop RegistrationRs. 7,000Rs. 5,000Rs. 3,500$120$70
* Co-author / Group MemberRs. 1,000Rs. 1,000Rs. 1,000$30$30


*Each registration is for a single participant. If there are multiple participants in a group, additional members will need to pay the Co-author / Group Member fee. This fee covers attendance for both days, includes a participation certificate, and provides refreshments. Failing to present your paper may lead to marking no-show or absence of the author.

A few selected conference papers, after being subjected to a rigorous blind review process, will be sent to IEEE Xplore. Papers not selected for IEEE Xplore will be sent to HEC-recognized journals for review and possible publication. The article publication charges for HEC-recognized journals will be separate from the conference fee.

Registration procedure

Once you receive confirmation of the acceptance of your paper, poster, or project, please complete the Registration Process here. You can use the same form anytime to register for a workshop, a co-author, or a general participant. Email the payment receipt to gul.munir@shu.edu.pk Payment for registration can be made via Pay Order, online transaction, or cash to the following bank account:

Bank Name: Meezan Bank Limited

Account Title: Salim Habib University

IBAN #: PK34 MEZN 0099 3801 0324 6387


Accommodation Registration

Salim Habib University is offering limited accommodation facility for outstation conference participants from December 29, 2024 (check-in at 4:00 PM) to January 01, 2025 (check-out at 12:00 PM). The charges are as follows:

1-night stay: Rs. 2,500*

2-night stay: Rs. 4,000*

3-night stay: Rs. 6,000*

*Includes breakfast and dinner.

How to Register for Accommodation

Ensure you have successfully registered for the conference through the Camera-Ready submission / Project / Poster / Workshop registration process. Once your conference registration is complete, proceed to fill out the Accommodation Registration form here

If you have any inquiries or special requests, feel free to contact our accommodation team.

Engr. Gul Munir / Ms. Madiha Imdad

Email: Engr. Gul Munir / Ms. Madiha Imdad

Call: +92 21 111-248-338

Ext. 239, 275

Guidelines for Authors

1. For Poster Sumbission

  Poster Specifications

  • Your poster should cover the key points of your research, which include but are not limited to background, methods, results, and conclusion. Make your poster as self-explanatory as possible.
  • Authors should get their poster printed. A poster stand will be provided at the assigned venue.

  Poster Dimension

  • Poster should have the following dimensions A0 size (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm) or (33.1 inches x 46.8 inches).
  • Please note that printing out your full submitted paper in A4 size format is NOT acceptable as a poster.

  Poster Dimension

  • Title: The title of your poster should appear at the top with lettering of at least 42 pt font size. Below the title, you should place the names of authors and their affiliations.
  • Text: Text should be readable from five feet away. Use a minimum font size of at least 20 pt. Keep the text brief. Try to use text to introduce the study, explain visuals and direct viewers’ attention to significant data trends and relationships portrayed in the visuals, and state and explain the interpretations that follow from the data. It is also a good idea to include future research plans or questions for discussion with viewers in your text.
  • Figures/Tables: Each figure/table should have a brief title. Figures/tables should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Try to use color figures rather than only black and white text to make your poster attractive and highlight the important technical content of your paper. Make sure that the text and the visuals are integrated.
2. For Project Demonstration Submission

Topics of interest have been mentioned in the conference webpage. Projects may be related to university, work, or extracurricular activities that pertain to Engineering, Science, and Technology. Project teams selected for participation will be notified by email. All members of the selected project teams must register for 26th INMIC 2024 in order to participate in the event.

For the demonstration, each team will be provided a table at the conference venue. It is recommended that teams demonstrate hardware prototypes, and utilize posters, slides and/or videos (recorded at their home institution) to explain their demo to the audience and the judges. A power outlet will be available to each team to run their electronic gadgets.

3. Full-Length Article Submission

  General Information

  • All submissions must be in English. All papers must be original and unpublished work.
  • By submitting your work, you agree to allow INMIC 2024 to screen your work for plagiarism.
  • The suggested length for full papers is a maximum of 6 pages, including all text, tables, figures, and references. We encourage all authors to use as much of the allowed space to effectively explain their work.
  • Please use the IEEE template to prepare your paper.

  Corresponding Author

  • Each paper submitted to INMIC must have a designated corresponding author assigned.
  • The corresponding author is responsible for all activities related to the paper submission.
  • The corresponding author acts as the assigned manager of the paper and should have the authority to speak collectively on behalf of all authors.

  Camera-Ready Paper Submission

Authors of accepted papers will be advised of the next steps and will be required to move forward with additional requirements and deadlines related to the final submission process. In accordance with IEEE Policy, all participants must transfer copyright of the paper to INMIC before publication.

4. Oral Presentation Guidelines
  • All authors are required to use electronic presentations. Presentation files must be in Windows-compatible PowerPoint (*.ppt or *.pptx). Other platform users should ensure that their presentations will show correctly using the Windows operating system.
  • Each oral talk (with the exception of plenary talks) is allocated 10 minutes total: 7 minutes of presentation time followed by 3 minutes of questions & answers. Please prepare your presentation accordingly and adhere strictly to these time limits.
  • All presentation files must be emailed prior to the start of your session. The exact requirements for your upload will be announced in a separate email to the author.
  • The presentations must be in English.

For On-Site Presenters

  • Presenters are requested to be present in the session room at least 15 minutes before the start of their session to introduce themselves to the session chair.
  • Each session room will be equipped with a personal computer (PC), a projector, and a microphone.
  • Alternatively, you can use your own laptop. An HDMI connection will be available in each session room; you must bring your own adaptor if your laptop does not have an HDMI port.
  • It is recommended to test the presentation materials, e.g., video and audio, as well as your laptop, in advance of the session to ensure compatibility and smooth functioning.
  • It is recommended that you store your presentation material on your email or a USB stick as a backup, even if you plan to use your own laptop.
  • Failing to present your paper may lead to marking no-show or absence of the author.

For Virtual Presenters

  • Please be at the session on time as you would be for the in-person conference.
  • Please keep in mind that all times are given in PKT (Pakistan Standard Time).
  • At the time your session is scheduled to begin, your webcam and microphone should already be activated. This will show the session chair that you are present in the room and are able to begin your presentation.
  • The platform of presentation will be shared via email.
  • Failing to present your paper may lead to marking no-show or absence of the author.

Contact us

If you have any inquiries or require further information about the conference, please feel free to reach out to us at inmic2024@shu.edu.pk or contact our publication chair:

Engr. Muhammad Shaheer Mirza

Program Secretary & Publication Chair

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Salim Habib University, Karachi

Email: muhammad.shaheer@shu.edu.pk


Patron: Prof. Dr. Syed Irfan Hyder
Conference Chair: Dr. M. Zeeshan Ul Haque
Honorary Chair: Prof. Dr. B. S. Chowdhry, S.I

Conference Co-chair:
  1. Prof. Dr. Tariq Rahim Soomro
  2. Mr. M. Wasim Munir

Conference Secretary: Dr. M. Hussain Habib
Program Secretary & Publication Chair: Engr. M. Shaheer Mirza
Program Committee Chair: Dr. Syed Mehmood Ali
Technical Program Committee Chair: Dr. Irfan Ahmad Usmani

Organizing Committee Chair:

  1. Engr. Tooba Khan
  2. Prof. Dr. Shahid Sheikh
Organizing Committee
  • Dr. Asim ur Rehman Khan
  • Dr. Khalid Bin Muhammad
  • Dr. M. Faisal Khan
  • Engr. Parkash Lohana
  • Dr. Umair Ahmed Korai
  • Dr. Samita Bai
  • Engr. Hanan Daudpota
  • Ms. Madiha Imdad
  • Mr. Sayem Hanif
  • Engr. Hassan Ali
  • Engr. Muhammad Aamir
  • Engr. Abdul Moiz
  • Engr. Amna Sheikh
Coordination/Logistic Committee
  • Dr. Ghazala Ishrat
  • Mr. Umer Farooq
  • Mr. M. Ammad Khan
  • Mr. Farhan Arif
  • Mr. Arslan Ali
  • Mr. Faraz Ansari
  • Mr. S. Noman Ali
  • Mr. Waseem Mustafa
Media & Marketing Committee
  • Mr. Muhammad Ali
  • Ms. Sibgha Raza
  • Mr. Muhammad Shahroz
  • Mr. Danish Ishaque
  • Mr. Saad Zafar
ICT Infrastructure Committee
  • Mr. Syed Abid Ali
  • Mr. Abdul Rehman
  • Engr. Muneeb Khan
  • Mr. Ghulam Asif
  • Mr. Farhan Akbar
  • Mr. Azhar Ali
  • Mr. Muhammad Haider
Procurement Committee
  • Mr. Sheikh Jawwad Jamil
  • Mr. Kamran Sabir
  • Mr. Zain Ishfaq
Finance Committee
  • Engr. Gul Munir
  • Mr. M. Ammad Khan

Technical Program Committee



  • Dr. Dan Stan, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Dr. Dur-e-Shahwar Kundi, PQShield Ltd., UK
  • Dr. Fawad Zaidi, Torrens University, Australia
  • Dr. Inam Ul Ahad, Dublin City University, Ireland
  • Dr. Jawad Ahmad, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Saudi Arabia
  • Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Khan, Stanford University, USA
  • Dr. M. Asim Faridi, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany
  • Dr. M. Faraz Shaikh, Aspire2 International, New Zealand
  • Dr. M. Saqib, Fraunhofer IKTS, Germany
  • Dr. Mubashir Aslam Arain, University of Calgary, Canada
  • Dr. Muhammad Fayyaz, Mayo Clinic, USA
  • Dr. Muhammad Kashif, Tianjin University, China
  • Dr. Muhammad Nadeem, American University of the Middle East, Kuwait
  • Dr. Muhammad Usman, University of Edinburgh, UK
  • Dr. Mushfa Yusuf, Lübeck, Germany
  • Dr. Najam Muhammad Amin, Cambridge Science Park, Hanwha Phasor, UK
  • Dr. Raheel Riaz, DTU Health Tech, Denmark
  • Dr. Rehan Inam Qureshi, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
  • Dr. Rizwan Ali, KAIMRC, Saudi Arabia
  • Dr. Saad Abdullah, Mälardalen University, Sweden
  • Dr. Syed Ghufran Khalid, Nottingham Trent University, UK
  • Dr. Waqar Qureshi, New Zealand
  • Dr. Zarrar Javaid, Manukau Institute of Technology, New Zealand
  • Dr. Zia Hashmi, Qatar University, Qatar
  • Dr. Zia Ur Rehman, Aalborg University, Denmark
  • Engr. Ijlal Shahrukh Ateeq, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia
  • Engr. Kamran Hameed, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia


  • Dr. Abul Hassan, NEDUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Muhammad Tahir, SSUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Agha Yasir, SSUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Muhammad Uzair, NEDUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Ahmad Zahid Rao, NEDUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Mukhtiar, MUET, Jamshoro
  • Dr. Ali Asghar, Ziauddin University, Karachi
  • Dr. Munaf Rashid, Ziauddin University, Karachi
  • Dr. Amber Israr, SSUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Munsif Jatoi, SHU, Karachi
  • Dr. Amjad Ali Shah, MUET, Jamshoro
  • Dr. Nazia Ejaz, BUET, Khuzdar
  • Dr. Anam Akbar, SSUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Ovais Akhtar, BUKC, Karachi
  • Dr. Asif Aziz, Bahria University, Karachi
  • Dr. Pardeep Kumar, QUEST, Nawabshah
  • Dr. Dur-E-Jabeen, Iqra University, Karachi
  • Dr. Raja Masood Larik, NEDUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Eraj Humayun Mirza, NEDUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Rashid Hussain, Hamdard University, Karachi
  • Dr. Fahad Azim, Ziauddin University, Karachi
  • Dr. Razia Maroof, Iqra University, Karachi
  • Dr. Faraz Akram, Riphah Intl. University, Islamabad
  • Dr. Rukaiya, SSUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Haider Ali, COMSAT, Islamabad
  • Dr. Safdar Rizvi, Bahria University, Karachi
  • Dr. Hira Zahid, Ziauddin University, Karachi
  • Dr. Samita Bai, Salim Habib University, Karachi
  • Dr. Ibrar UI Haque, SSUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Sarmad Shams, LUMHS, Jamshoro
  • Dr. Imran Majid, IoBM, Karachi
  • Dr. Saud Zia, Al Kawthar University, Karachi
  • Dr. Imran Saleem, SSUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Shafiq, PAF KIET, Karachi
  • Dr. Jawwad Sami, Riphah Intl. University, Islamabad
  • Dr. Shaheena Noor, SSUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Junaid Mir, UET Taxila
  • Dr. Shoaib Mughal, Bahria University, Karachi
  • Dr. Kamran Hafeez, COMSAT, Islamabad
  • Dr. Sidra Abid, SSUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Khalid Bin Muhammad, IoBM, Karachi
  • Dr. Sohaib Masroor, SSUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Lubna Aziz, Iqra University, Karachi
  • Dr. Tahir Qadri, SSUET, Karachi
  • Dr. M. Asif, SSUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Tariq Jameel, NEDUET, Karachi
  • Dr. M. Faisal Khan, Hamdard University, Karachi
  • Dr. Tariq Javed, Hamdard University, Karachi
  • Dr. M. Naseem, SSUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Tayyab Yaqoob, KIET, Karachi
  • Dr. M. Sadiq Ali Khan, University of Karachi
  • Dr. Ubaida Fatima, NEDUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Mahesh Kumar, MUET, Jamshoro
  • Dr. Umair Ahmed Korai, MUET, Jamshoro
  • Dr. Maria Waqas, NEDUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Umair Jilani, SSUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Mariam Raziq, SSUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Umm-e-Laila Mehdi, IoBM, Karachi
  • Dr. M. Aamir Panhwar, MUET, Jamshoro
  • Dr. Wazir Muhammad, BUET, Khuzdar
  • Dr. Muhammad Aamir, SSUET, Karachi
  • Dr. Zia Mohy Ud Din, Air University, Islamabad
  • Dr. Muhammad Ahsan Naeem, UET Lahore
  • Ms. Syeda Faiza Nasim, UIT University, Karachi
  • Dr. M. Najmul Islam Farooqui, SSUET, Karachi

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Dr. Joseph Stokes
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Dublin City University, Ireland
Research Areas:
Surface Engineering, Thermal Spray, Coatings, Energy


Prof. Dr. B. S. Chowdhry, S.I.
Professor Emeritus, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan
Research Areas:
Embedded Systems, Condition Monitoring, Signal processing, WSN, Cyber Security

Prof. Dr. Stephanie Willerth
Director of the Nanotherapeutics Cluster Department of Mechanical Engineering and Division of Medical Science University of Victoria, Canada
Research Areas:
Tissue Engineering, Stem Cells, Biomaterials, 3D Printing, Reprogramming

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Kheir
Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Centre for Industrial Electronics University of Southern Denmark
Research Areas:
Electromagnetism, EMC, EMI, mmWave, Signal Integrity, 5G

Prof. Dr. Raed Mesleh
School of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology German Jordanian University, Jordan
Research Areas:
Wireless Communication, MIMO, Optical Wireless Communication, mmWave Communication, 4G and 5G

Prof. Dr. Takako Hashimoto
Director, International Center Chiba University of Commerce, Japan
Research Areas:
Social media analysis, Big data analysis, Social media marketing in multi-cultural environment

Dr. Furqan Shaukat
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Taxila, Pakistan
Research Areas:
Image Processing and Analysis, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision

Dr. Jawad Ahmad
Cybersecurity Center, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Alkhobar, Saudi Arabia
Research Areas:
Cybersecurity, AI for Healthcare, Information Security, Chaos Theory, Multimedia Encryption

Dr. Sana Ullah Jan
School of Computing, Engineering, and the Built Environment, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
Research Areas:
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cyber Security, Smart cities, eHealth

Prof. Dr. Ciro Rodriguez R.
Department of Software Engineering, National University of San Marcos (UNMSM), Peru
Research Areas:
Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence, System Dynamics, Big Data, Environmental Sustainability

Dr. Noman Naseer
Chairman Dept. of Mechatronics and Biomedical Engineering Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Research Areas:
Robotics, Brain-Computer Interfacing, fNIRS, Artificial Intelligence

Prof. Dr. Pardeep Kumar
HoD, Department of Software Engineering, Quaid-e-Awam University, Nawabshah, Pakistan
Research Areas:
Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, Healthcare Systems, Cyber Physical Systems

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zeeshan Shakir
School of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of the West of Scotland, UK
Research Areas:
Wireless Communications, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Aerial Networks



Paper Submission

Step 1: Please follow the IEEE two-column A4 size standard conference format when preparing your final manuscript.

Step 2: All submissions will be made through Microsoft CMT

Poster Submission

Step 1: Read Poster Submission Guideline on Author Guidelines page.

Step 2: Write an abstract of 200-250 words and submit the softcopy in pdf or pptx here.

Project Submission

Step 1: Read Project Submission Guideline on Author Guidelines page.

Step 2: Write an abstract of 200-250 words and upload one-minute video (max size 100 MB) of the project here.

Registration procedure

Once you receive confirmation of the acceptance of your paper, poster, or project, please complete the form here. You can use the same form anytime to register for a workshop, a co-author, or a general participant. Email the payment receipt to gul.munir@shu.edu.pk Payment for registration can be made via Pay Order, online transaction, or cash to the following bank account:

Bank Name: Salim Habib University

IBAN #: PK34 MEZN 0099 3801 0324 6387

Important Dates

EventDateExtended Date
Call for PapersAugust 05, 2024 
Paper Submission DeadlineSeptember 30, 2024October 30, 2024
Poster & Project Submission DeadlineOctober 11, 2024December 10, 2024
Notification of Paper AcceptanceOctober 28, 2024November 25, 2024
Notification of Poster & Project AcceptanceNovember 01, 2024December 12, 2024
Workshop Registration : Maximum of 20 participants allowed per workshop.
1. HPC / CFD Hands-on Workshop on Cloud
2. Accelerating Deep Learning on HPC platforms
November 15, 2024November 25, 2024
Camera-Ready Article SubmissionNovember 15, 2024November 30, 2024
Participation Registration DeadlineNovember 29, 2024December 15, 2024
Conference DatesDecember 30-31, 2024 

Camera Ready Submission

Step 1: The first author will receive a paper acceptance email from the Technical Program Committee Chair through the Microsoft CMT platform.

Step 2:Please address any reviewer comments included with the acceptance notification, and ensure your final manuscript follows the IEEE two-column, A4-size standard conference format as specified in the conference guidelines.

Step 3: Pay the conference registration fee as outlined on the registration page and complete your registration there. IEEE members must have an active membership through at least December 31, 2024, to qualify for the discounted fee.

Step 4: Log in to your Microsoft CMT account, where you will find the Camera-Ready submission link on the right side.


  • First, submit the “IEEE Copyright Form” by following the link to the IEEE copyright page. Complete the steps, download the copyright form, and upload it on the Camera-Ready Submission page.
  • Next, click on “Create Camera-Ready Submission” and follow the instructions provided on that page.

Step 5: Before submitting, carefully read the agreement (Terms and Conditions) on the Camera-Ready Submission page.


Please note that the 26th INMIC 2024 Organizing Committee is not responsible for any conflicts of interest among authors or for any errors in the Camera-Ready submission. Once the Camera-Ready version is submitted, no further changes to the paper or author order will be allowed. Only papers that are both accepted and presented at the conference will be eligible for submission to IEEE Xplore.

The conference organizers reserve the right to request a resubmission if additional requirements are issued by IEEE Xplore. Authors acknowledge that if any of these conditions are not met, the paper will not be published, and the submission fee will not be refunded.

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us at inmic2024@shu.edu.pk.

Program Schedule for the 26th INMIC 2024

Day 1 – December 30, 2024 (Monday)

8:30 am to 9:15 amRegistration & Proceed to Technical SessionsReception Area (Ground Floor)
Technical Sessions A
9:15 am to 10:45 amTechnical Session ISeminar Room 1 (Ground Floor)
9:15 am to 10:45 amTechnical Session IISeminar Room 2 (Ground Floor)
9:15 am to 10:45 amTechnical Session IIIC-22 (2nd Floor)
9:15 am to 10:45 amTechnical Session IVC-23 (2nd Floor)
9:15 am to 10:45 amTechnical Session VC-19 (2nd Floor)
Conference Inauguration
10:50 am to 11:00 amRecitation & NaatMBB Auditorium (1st Floor)
11:00 am to 11:05 amNational Anthem
11:05 am to 11:10 amIntroduction to Salim Habib University
11:10 am to 11:20 amWelcome Address by Vice Chancellor
11:20 am to 11:25 amConference Opening Remarks
11:25 am to 11:35 amAddress by Chair, IEEE Karachi Section
11:35 am to 11:50 pmKeynote Speaker
11:50 pm to 12:20 pmPanel Discussion (Digital Transformation in Engineering Education)
12:20 pm to 12:30 pmAddress by Chief Guest
12:30 pm to 12:40 pmAddress by Guest of Honour
12:40 pm to 12:45 pmCake Cutting / Ribbon Cutting
12:45 pm to 12:50 pmShield Distribution
12:50 pm to 12:55 pmVote of Thanks
12:55 pm to 1:00 pmGroup Photo
1:00 pm to 2:00 pmBreak
Technical Sessions B
2:15 pm to 3:45 pmTechnical Session VISeminar Room 1 (Ground Floor)
2:15 pm to 3:45 pmTechnical Session VIISeminar Room 2 (Ground Floor)
2:15 pm to 3:45 pmTechnical Session VIIIC-22 (2nd Floor)
2:15 pm to 3:45 pmTechnical Session IXC-23 (2nd Floor)
2:15 pm to 3:45 pmTechnical Session X (online)C-19 (2nd Floor)
Meeting – IEEE Karachi Section
2:00 pm to 3:00 pmExCom, IEEE Karachi SectionBoard Room (Ground Floor)
2:00 pm to 5:00 pmWorkshop: Accelerating Deep Learning Model on HPC PlatformBiocomputing Lab (C-06, 2nd Floor)
9:00 am to 4:00 pmPoster DisplayHealth & Happiness Arena (Ground Floor)
9:00 am to 4:00 pmProject Display
End of DAY 1

Day 2 – December 31, 2024 (Tuesday)

8:30 am to 9:15 amRegistration & Proceed to Technical SessionsReception Area (Ground Floor)
Technical Sessions C
9:15 am to 10:45 amTechnical Session XISeminar Room 1 (Ground Floor)
9:15 am to 10:45 amTechnical Session XIISeminar Room 2 (Ground Floor)
9:15 am to 10:45 amTechnical Session XIIIC-22 (2nd Floor)
9:15 am to 10:45 amTechnical Session XIVC-23 (2nd Floor)
9:15 am to 10:45 amTechnical Session XV (online)C-19 (2nd Floor)
9:15 am to 12:00 pmWorkshop: Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling on CloudBiocomputing Lab (C-06, 2nd Floor)
Project & Poster Competitions
9:15 am to 1:00 pmPoster DisplayHealth & Happiness Arena (Ground Floor)
9:15 am to 1:00 pmProject Display
Technical Sessions D
11:15 am to 12:45 pmTechnical Session XVISeminar Room 1 (Ground Floor)
11:15 am to 12:45 pmTechnical Session XVIISeminar Room 2 (Ground Floor)
11:15 am to 12:45 pmTechnical Session XVIIIC-22 (2nd Floor)
11:15 am to 12:45 pmTechnical Session XIX (online)C-23 (2nd Floor)
11:15 am to 12:45 pmTechnical Session XX (online)C-19 (2nd Floor)
1:00 pm to 2:00 pmBreak
2:00 pm to 2:15 pmProceed to AuditoriumMBB Auditorium (1st Floor)
2:15 pm to 2:25 pmRecitation & Naat
2:25 pm to 2:30 pmNational Anthem
2:30 pm to 2:40 pmWelcome Address by Vice Chancellor
2:40 pm to 2:55 pmAddress by Chief Guest
2:55 pm to 3:00 pmAddress by Guest of Honour
3:00 pm to 3:10 pmRecommendations by Program Secretary
3:10 pm to 3:20 pmVote of Thanks by Conference Secretary
3:20 pm to 3:40 pmAwarding of Shields & Souvenir Distribution
3:40 pm to 3:50 pmBest Paper/Poster/Project Awards
3:50 pm to 4:00 pmGroup Photo
End of Conference

Note: The schedule may be updated. Please visit the event schedule regularly.


The 2024 26th International Multi-Topic Conference (INMIC) is proud to announce our valued partners include esteemed academic institution, industry leader, and professional organization dedicated to technological innovation and knowledge-sharing, who contribute to advancing research and collaboration in the field. Their involvement not only enhances the quality and reach of the conference but also provides attendees with networking opportunities and insights into the latest advancements and trends. The organizing committee extends its gratitude to all partners for their commitment to fostering a vibrant, collaborative environment at INMIC 2024. Key partners include:

Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences (LUMHS), Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan
Redstart Logo
Redstart Technology Solutions, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Herbion Logo
Tesla Logo
KoderLabs Logo


For Sponsors

For information regarding sponsorship and partnership opportunities with INMIC 2024, please get in touch with our Sponsorship Team at muhammad.shaheer@shu.edu.pk or gul.munir@shu.edu.pk or call +92 21 111248338 Ext. 275, 239.



Thank you for your interest in the 26th International Multi-Topic Conference (INMIC) 2024.

If you have any inquiries or require further information about the conference, please feel free to reach out to us at inmic2024@shu.edu.pk or contact our publication chair:

Engr. Muhammad Shaheer Mirza

Program Secretary & Publication Chair

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Salim Habib University, Karachi

Email: muhammad.shaheer@shu.edu.pk

Cell #: +92 331 2397299

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