Department of Pharmaceutics
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The Department of Pharmaceutics focuses on imparting fundamental knowledge essential for understanding the formulation, delivery, and safety of pharmaceutical products. The curriculum of the Department of Pharmaceutics is designed to equip students with a solid grounding in the principles of drug formulation, pharmacokinetics, and biopharmaceutics. Through a combination of theoretical instruction and practical laboratory experience, we emphasize the importance of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
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We are dedicated to providing students with comprehensive education in drug formulation and delivery systems so they are able to address complex pharmaceutical challenges, while translating our findings into practical solutions that enhance drug delivery systems and improve patient care outcomes. By prioritizing interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge sharing, we aim to drive advancements that address the critical challenges in Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
The Department of Pharmaceutics aims to advance human well-being through safe, effective, and practical pharmaceutical interventions. Our aim is to undertake cutting-edge research in the broad discipline of pharmaceutics/biopharmaceutics and to disseminate new knowledge to external partners in order to improve drug delivery and patient care