Dr. Shamaila Burney
Acting Head of BBA Program & Associate Professor
- Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Science
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Dr. Shamaila Burney is an Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, holds a Ph. D. degree in Services Supply Chain Management (SSCM) with special focus on Healthcare Supply Chains and MPA degree with bi-majors in Marketing and Human Resource Management from University of Karachi. She is an active researcher in the field of Management and Administrative Sciences and has also presented her research work at University of Oxford, United Kingdom and George Mason University, USA. Moreover, she has also published and presented research papers on both National and International conferences and research journals. Her teaching interests include, Marketing, SSCM and Professional Grooming courses.
She is also a Certified “Train the Trainer” from Pakistan Society for Training and Development (PSTD) and a certified Facilitator of British Council.
She was a Short-Term Research Scholar at George Mason University (GMU), Fairfax Virginia, USA from 2014-2016 under, The University Partnership Program (funded by US Department of State) and was also awarded Best Project Presenter Award during her stay in GMU. She was also a part of JENESYS (Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths)’ 2019 batch as working youth participant, selected among top 10 participants to represent Pakistan in Japan.
She has knowledge and experience of arranging and conducting diversified events ranging from conferences, workshops, trainings, Seminars, social activities to connect academia with corporate sector and several CSR drives for youth from different platforms and NGOs.
Conference Participations/ Presentations:
- Presented paper “Strategizing Public Sector Hospitals in the Karachi Metropolis: A Case Study on People’s Healthcare Facility Selection Criteria in the Megacity-Karachi” at International Conference on “Managing Megacities 2016” held at Department of Public Administration University of Karachi, September 20-22, 2016.
- Presented paper “Standard Error of Stochastic Index Numbers: Theory and Computation with Social Aspects” at 10th National Mathematics, Computer Science & Statistics Conference (MCS-10) held at Institute of Business Management (IOBM-CBM), October 29-30, 2016.
- Attended Four-day International Conference on Climate Change ‘Changing Minds for Climate Change’ Organized & hosted by US Department of State, (Pak-US Alumni Network) as Lead presenters in Social Outreach project & promoting Volunteerism project development for creating awareness about Climate Change, November 11-14, 2016
- Presented paper “A survey of soft computing Applications for Decision Making in Supply Chain Management” at IEEE 3rd International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Social Sciences held on 07th -8 th August 2017 in Thailand.
- Presented paper “Strategic Planning and Management of Public sector Hospitals in Megacity, Karachi: A case on people’s healthcare facility selection criteria and concerns” at 3rd Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities held on 17th-19th August 2017 in St. Anns Collage Oxford University, United Kingdom
Research Interest
Supply Chain Management
Services Supply Chains – Healthcare
Services Marketing
Consumer Behavior