Quality Enhancement Cell

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QEC Introduction

Under the Quality Assurance Framework of the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, Salim Habib University (formerly Barrett Hodgson University) established the Quality Enhancement Cell in March 2019 with the aim of maintaining and enhancing the quality of teaching, learning, and research at the university. This can realistically be achieved through the effective implementation of IQA (Internal Quality Assessment) and EQA (External Quality Assessment) measures.

The Quality Enhancement Cell focuses on balancing the quality of education in the university with regular checks via various surveys on all facets of institutional functions on a distinct format ensuring the credibility and confidentiality. The department also performs the role of a bridge between the HEC (Pakistan) and the Institution to implement the policies and guidelines on the said standards.

Vision and Mission


To be ranked among the best Universities in the country regarding quality education, through academic excellence, research, creative learning, capacity building and meeting the standards of HEC by Quality Assessment Methods and practices.


The Quality Enhancement Cell aims to maintain and promote an unparalleled focus on quality in all aspects of academic practices through the following activities:

  • Continuous enhancement of quality education to the satisfaction of students, faculty and all stakeholders.
  • To point out gaps in the policies, procedures and rules on a regular basis to verify compliance with HEC criteria.
  • Ensure that the Academic programs are up to mark through practicing of self-assessment and identification of the weaknesses and take corrective measures.

Scope of QEC & Regulatory Affairs

Internal Quality Assurance (IQA)

To facilitate:

  • Effective Monitoring of Classes, Student Feedback, Course Evaluation, Teacher’s Self & Peer Assessment
  • Yearly Progress Report (YPR) & Self-Assessment Reports (SARs)
  • Self-Institution Performance Evaluation (IPE)
  • Approval for launching new programs.

External Quality Assurance (EQA)

To facilitate:

  • Accreditations (NBEAC, NCEAC, PEC and others Professional Bodies)
  • Memberships (APQN, INQAAHE, PNQAHE, AACSB)
  • MS / M.Phil. / Ph.D. and Equivalent Program Review
  • Institutional Performance Evaluation (IPE) by HEC.
  • Other Certification like ISO and others
  • HEC Ranking & Statistics
  • HEC Campus Review Parameters & Inspections (CRP)
  • Charter Inspection & Evaluation Committee (CIEC)
  • External: Institution Performance Evaluation (IPE)


SHU-QEC Tasks – Accreditations, SARs, Evaluation Pro Formas

  1. To develop QEC Web Portal for the University website
  2. To carry out comprehensive analysis on data collected through online survey forms, and develop MIS for all programs offered at SHU
    1. To prepare YPR (Yearly Progress Report) as per HEC guidelines
    2. To define the QEC Secretariat Function as mentioned in YPR (Point no 5.8 and 5.9)
    3. To constitute Program and Assessment teams for departmental SARs
    4. To review all Assessment Team Reports and prepare Action Plans accordingly
    5. To preparing Executive Summaries for all SARs
  3. Accreditation Councils/Professional Bodies
    1. Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC)
    2. Pharmacy Council of Pakistan (PCP)
  4. To consider the affiliation & Accreditation of the following bodies:
    1. National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC)
    2. National Business Education Accreditation Council (NBEAC)
  5. Upgrading of SHU from w1 to w4 Category
  6. To conduct QEC Workshops year round (at least three Internal and two external)
  7. Institutional Performance Evaluation (IPE)
  8. To submit University Portfolio Report (UPR)

SHU-QEC Evaluation Pro-Formas

1 Student Course Evaluation Questionnaire
2 Faculty Course Review Report
3 Survey of Graduating Students
4 Research Student Progress Review Form
5 Faculty Survey
6 Departments Offering PhD Programs
7 Alumni Survey
8 Employer Survey
9 Faculty Resumes
10 Teacher Evaluation Form by Student

QEC Team


1 Syed Waqar-ul-Hasan Director QEC Managing all QEC & Regulatory Affairs
2 Mr. Abdul Samad Sr. Data Analyst Data Analyzing
3 Mr. Salman Ahmed Sr. QEC Officer External Quality Assurance
4 Mr. Muhammad Rehman QEC Officer Internal Quality Assurance