Library Policy


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    Code of Conduct

    In order to maintain a safe and welcoming environment for reading, learning and other Library activities, the Salim Habib University Tariq Amin Library (the “Library”) requires all visitors to comply with the following General Rules and Regulations:

    • Display your SHU ID card while using the library; provide your SHU ID to library staff for inspection if requested.

    • Submit any book or object for inspection when requested by the library staff.

    • Place your personal belongings (bags, packs and parcels) on the library entrance racks and do not forget to pick them up on your departure from the library.

    • Library staff will not be responsible for any loss or damage of your personal belongings, during your stay or after leaving the library.

    • Use of cell phones in the library is strictly prohibited; keep your cell phones on silent mode.

    • Eating is strictly prohibited. Only water is allowed for drinking; no soft drinks, juices or hot drinks are allowed.

    • Group discussions are only allowed in dedicated areas, with prior and special permission from the Librarian for a limited time period as allocated.

    • Watching movies, playing video games, or the possession or use of any objectionable material is strictly prohibited and subject to penalization, as per the discretion of the management.

    • Short pants are strictly not allowed in the Library.

    • Library members are free to report or make any complaints concerning library services to the Librarian.

    • All readers must show on exit all items they are taking out of the Library. The staff reserves the right to inspect books and check bags leaving the Library.

    • Internet stations are for research purposes only.

    • Only one user per internet station is allowed.

    • No re-arrangement of furniture in the Library is allowed.

    • Entrants are strongly advised to ensure that they are free of any offensive body odor or strong fragrances or perfumes.

    • Those with poor personal hygiene or other odors found to be disruptive to the Library environment will be asked to leave.

    • Library membership could be suspended or canceled along with a penalty in the following cases:

      • Harassment of or threatening behavior towards the library staff or fellow students.
      • Use of harsh or abusive language.
      • Loitering or sleeping.
      • Misconduct with library staff.
      • Immoral behavior of any kind.
      • Breach of established Library rules and norms.

    Library Use

    The use of the Salim Habib University Library is primarily to meet the research and information needs of the faculty, students, and staff of the University. They are given priority for the use of all information resources, services, and facilities. General policies regarding library use are as follows:

    • Do not disturb the research and study of other users.
    • Do not interfere with or damage University resources and property.
    • Do not hinder the work of Library staff.
    • Observe silence in designated Study Areas.
    • Place cell phones on Silent Mode and use them only in the lobby and stairwells.
    • Do not sleep in the library.
    • Do not leave personal belongings like laptops, purses, or valuables unattended.
    • Food & beverages are prohibited on all the floors of the library.

    Individuals who fail to comply with this policy may face disciplinary action. Visitors may be asked to leave the library and may be barred from the campus.

    Disciplinary Interventions And Penalties

    Disciplinary action, in accordance with the University Disciplinary Code, may be instituted against persons who do not adhere to the Library and Information Services Code of Conduct.

    • Library Information Services, or a designated representative, has the authority to impose a fine up to Rs. 10,000 or suspend a member’s borrowing rights or use of the Library for a specified period of time.

    Library Tour

    Tariq Amin Library at Salim Habib University can provide library instruction to non-Salim Habib groups on a limited basis to support a well-defined research need that requires Salim Habib University Library resources. Walk-in tours of the building are not provided.

    Please contact the Library staff at least one week in advance to make arrangements. Groups should plan to visit with a clear educational objective in mind. For example, students should have research topics to investigate or library research tools or collections they wish to use.

    Be sure to provide:

    • Name of university or group intending to visit
    • Contact person’s name, email, and phone number
    • Purpose of visit and educational objective
    • Preferred dates and times of visit
    • Number of students intending to visit

    Library Forms

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