Workshop on Hailing from NICVD


Barrett Hodgson University’s Department of Pharmacy planned an Anticoagulation Workshop for 2nd year students. Hailing from NICVD, three respectable pharmacists; Dr. Reema, Dr. Ata and Dr. Husain conducted a session that was interactive and informative for aspiring students.
Anticoagulation Clinics (ACs) are services specialized in management of patients on anticoagulant treatment. At present, ACs manage patients chiefly on antivitamin K antagonists (AVKs), but patient population has already changed in the last few years, because of an increase of treatments with other anticoagulant drugs, which require different management systems. NICVD AC is the biggest clinic where up to 150 patients per day come from all over the country.
We would like to extend many thanks to the NICVD team for their cooperation in BHU’s effort towards interactive learning for pharmacy students.

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