Donations & Gifts
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The types of gifts and donations the Salim Habib University Library accepts include new books, journals, free magazines, IT equipment, money, and so on.
Conditions of Acceptance
The Tariq Amin Library accepts donations and gifts as per the understanding that the material accepted becomes the property of SHU and may not be claimed back at a later date. No donations or gifts are accepted personally for the Library staff. The Library may accept gifts as a long-term loan, under exceptional circumstances, and only with the approval of the University Librarian.
Gifts may not be accepted if the donor wishes to place any limitations or restrictions on their usage or disposal which are contradictory to SHU policies and to benefits SHU may gain from these gifts. The donations and gift materials are integrated into the existing collection, and are subject to the same conditions of use as of that of the Library collection. Special treatment of significant collections may be considered on the agreement of the SHU Librarian.
If required, gifts can be acknowledged by letter on receipt. Where appropriate, labelling and display plates can also be added to gift item(s) in the donor’s name.
Gifts of Stock
Cover Letter for Submitting Gifts and Donation (Bank details here)
Salim Habib University
The Salim Habib Campus, NC-24,
Deh Dih, Korangi Creek, Karachi 74900