BHU Students visit to Darul Sehat Hospital

The Department of Biomedical Engineering (DBME) believe that field trips can make a huge contribution to student’s learning, understanding of a course and realism to the topic of study.The students of DBME 1st semester visited Darul Sehat Hospital on 14th November, 2018 under the supervision of faculty members Engr. Fariha Talha, Engr. Hasan Ali and Engr. Gulmunir.The visit was aimed to introduce the students to different Healthcare Modalities and to observe the planning and development of hospital services.They were welcomed by the Engr. Wajahat Ali – HOD biomedical engineering department at Darul Sehat Hospital and briefed about the role of biomedical engineer in the industry. Students were rotated in different departments of the hospital that includes the High Dependency Unit (HDU), Radiology, Hemodialysis unit, Endoscopy Suite, Central Sterilization Supply Department (CSSD), Laboratory and the Executive Ward where they were demonstrated about the basic principle and standards of operation of different biomedical equipment like CT Scan, X-ray, mammogram, Patient monitor, Syringe Pump, hematology analyzers, Dialysis Machine, and CR system etc.The students were fascinated as the visit provided practical exposure and insight to the ongoing course of ‘Introduction to BME’ which in turn leads to course enjoyment.


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