Article Publication Charges
This initiative is meant to encourage faculty members/scholars of SHU to produce high-quality and genuine research publications and to promote pure, applied/technological research in different domains so as to make a useful impact upon society.
As many International Journals charge publication-charge/fee for the publication of the research manuscripts submitted by the faculty members & researchers and accepted in a quality journal. But, the publication charges at times becomes an obstacle to publish research work in quality journals.
Also, the research articles published per annum/faculty member by a university and their citations are prime parameters for ranking a university by International Ranking Agencies i.e. QS World Rankings and Times Higher Education (THE) in their different versions such as World, Asia, Africa etc.
The employees of all faculties of SHU are eligible to apply for APC. They need to submit the form along with ranking of Journal and indexing in HJRS.
Publication Charge shall be paid for accepted manuscripts/Published articles in Impact factor, ISI Indexed, HEC-W, X and Y category journal publications.